February 19, 2009

Joe and Gina plus Six (Girls ! )

The Website is taking on a new look in celebration of our news today that we are having three girls !! Thats right 3 Older Sisters, and 3 new baby bundles of Sugar & Spice and everything Nice !
We had our doctors appointment today, and did not expect to discover the genders until week 20, but when the tech asked if we wanted to know......we said Yes ! Baby 1....Girl, Baby 2.....Girl!....Baby 3.....Girl! Bono Grand babies are now a significant majority in favor of girl power 14 to 6 ! ; and the Holmes Grand Babies are now 5 to 1 in favor of girl power !

Gina is doing great and gaining the right amount of weight, the babies are now 4 ounces each and are 9 cm in length. Everything looks great ! Praise God!


  1. Yeah, Girl Power!!! Now I have a better chance of convincing Gina and Joe to name one of the babies after me :) I'm glad that the babies are healthy and Gina is doing well, she looks great.

  2. 3 Girls!!! Unbelievable!! So are you sticking with the A,H,M naming convention? We're so happy that everything is going well! You look great Gina!

  3. No...i was kidding; the A, H, M comment was just a joke. We are looking at baby girl names. Any suggestions would be appreciated ! (I am already anticipating a "Catherine" Suggestion, so I'll note that one in the "names under consideration column :)

  4. And don't forget my middle name, Frances. ;)

  5. Congrats! I bought shower present last week. Good thing I saved the receipt- may have to exchange for more pink! (That puts alot of pressure on Nick and Adam to carry on the Bono name.)

  6. Gina & Joe, it's so great to hear the "trio" is three healthy girls!!! We have already told Ashley she has three new cousins coming for her to boss around...(she is really good at showing her bossy attitude)

    p.s. Gina, you look so cute being pregnant.
    Can't wait to see you in person.

    Mom & Dad
