April 8, 2009

St. Louis Baby Shower @ Laura's

Our first baby shower took place last Saturday (4/4) in St Louis; the weather was very nice, and the shower was even nicer. Food was awesome and it was a great turn out. It was a lot of fun to spend the weekend in St. Louis and catch up with family and friends. We got a lot of great baby stuff for the girls and Gina is already starting to get the nursery ready! The generosity of everyone around us is amazing! Thank you everyone!

Here's some photo's from the shower;

Gina is doing wonderful! We had our 22 week ultrasound, and everything continues to look fantastic. Gina is still woking full time, and is like the energizer bunny, she keeps going and going and going !
She is considering starting working from home beginning in May. The finishing touches are being made to the basement (Fireplace/ hearth, mantle, tile & carpeting) It really looks great. Cleve has done an awesome job for sure! I will get everyone an updated jiffy pop pose on the next post. Take Care, God Bless...Joe


  1. figured out a way to do 7 pictures....Hope all is well with everyone, thanks for following !

  2. great pics of the Holmes family...when can we see the rest of the pictures?

  3. Good luck with the basement-almost to the finish line!!!
    I had hamburgers for breakfast ^^

  4. It's always great to get together with friends and family - next up, the Michigan baby shower!

  5. we'll post the st louis pictures on snapfish and email out the link...

  6. I love your blog comments and pictures. It's the next best thing to being there!


  7. Love the pics. Ashley's so cute. Tomorrow's Gina's work shower. It's going to be a blast :) Noor
