January 23, 2010

6 month update

On January 10th, the babies were 6 months old. It is so hard to believe that it has been 6 months already! They are getting so big and taking on their own little personalities. It is so adorable! We took them to the doctor for their 6 month visit and here is how they stacked up:

Madison - 16lb 7 oz and 27 inches
Sydney - 13 lb 11 oz and 26 inches
Caelyn - 14 lb 3 oz and 26 inches

They have been eating cereal for awhile now and are almost done with trying all the veggies. Next week they are on to fruits! They like carrots and sweet potatoes the best I think but they eat it all!

The babies spend a lot of time playing with toys on their blanket now. Madison is getting close to crawling and sits with support of her hand. Caelyn is on all 4s but goes backwards, she hasn't figured out how to go forward yet. But, she moves around a lot and just loves her binky and anyone elses around her. She has mastered putting it in her mouth herself, which is great because she loves having it in her mouth pretty much all the time! Sydney is happy playing on her stomach or on her back. She hasn't show much signs of crawling but she is the talker of the group! The girls tell me she said boot a couple weeks ago and she has started saying baba already! Not sure she knows what she is saying yet but thats ok!

We have started to take them out more now that they are older. Not to malls or anything crazy like that but we are going to get them exposure to the world. Joe and Miranda took Caelyn on her first adventure alone to Costco. She loved it and was a perfect angel for them.

Life is good. Busy but good. Pretty soon they will be eating cheerios, drinking from a sippy cup and walking. Hopefully not too soon though, we like having them babies :) Thats it for now. Love to all!

1 comment:

  1. The girls love their baths. They are almost too big for this tub now. Guess we will be moving to the big girl tub soon!
